Our New Hampshire correspondent, a former Cox operative, says Cox was humiliated again in a straw poll, this time in Manchester, New Hampshire this Sunday.
Cox attended the poll but got only 3 votes out of more than 170 cast. In contrast, Ron Paul got 114 votes to win it. Cox will still likely crow about tying no-show Tom Tancredo and besting John McCain, who got 2 votes, but has also announced that he hates straw polls and won't compete in them.
Ou man on the ground says:
"Cox attended the event, spoke on the stage, and still only got three votes. How embarrassing! One vote was likely from Cox hanger-on Chris Richter, who was at the event, the other from a friend of Chris's who was helping him, and the other was from a woman who was heard (by me) to say, as she voted at the voting station, "I'm undecided, but I'll vote for this Cox guy, because he's the only candidate who showed up." Cox did show up, to his credit, but then ruined it by rambling on and on and on when he had his chance on the stage, prompting one guy to say "When's he going to shut up!" And yes, he started with his scary-crazy, unfunny 'bitch joke' - "I have four daughters a wife and a female dog" - which every paid operative in three states told him to stop using before they quit in disgust or were fired. The strange, out-of-context joke bombed yet again.
A bit of behind-the-scenes drama for your readers: Richter RAN over to an organizer of the event during Cox's rant because he was FURIOUS that one of the bands was breaking down their equipment on stage while his man was speaking on the stage in front of them. Cox was using a microphone, and was nearly yelling (as usual) so it wasn't as if they were drowning him out, but Richter was throwing a highly visible hissy fit in front of the stage because of the indignity of it all. Never mind that a former congressman and a declared '08 candidate for governor had also spoken while two of the bands that performed earlier had broken down their equipment. Cox is FAR too important for that, you know. How sad and pathetic. And typical. Apparently, Richter still worships at the altar of Cox.Word spread around the event as they asked "What's that all about?" and every Manchester Republican was laughing about Richter by the end of the day. As if what you aptly called his "political suicide note" last week wasn't enough, this killed it for Richter in New Hampshire."