Monday, August 27, 2007

Cox Blasted by Human Events Writer

Craig Tufty of Human Events reviewed John Cox's pathetic performance at the Ames Straw Poll:

John Cox: is a good conservative successful businessman but doesn’t have a clue as to what he’s trying to do. He thinks government should be run like a business. (He’s apparently the new Mory Taylor. What is it with these Illinois businessmen thinking they can be president?) Sorry, Mr. Cox, but Washington is a one industry town and it is “politics.” If you want business go to New York and run the NYSE. Cox seems naïve and egotistical. He had maybe one or two supporters in crowd

Wow, he nailed him. It's almost as if he's met him - or worked for him. Except for that "good conservative successful businessman" sop. Truth is, he's likely a pretender in both realms.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wokette On Cox

I thought I'd post the latest blog posting from the liberal Wonkette here, trashing the John Cox video on immigration - and featuring a Star Wars Clone Warrior - so that when the Cox campaign blogger posts it 6 months from now claiming it's "new" (or worse, "news") I can refer to it here.

It's hard to choose the best response to the Wonkette posting. Read them all, but here's a sample:

"I'm trying to set the whole Cox saga to Stairway to Heaven; here's as far as I've got:

I-in 2004/
Cox got beat bad by Moore/
41-59 in Cook Cou-oun-ty"

"Lost races for House in '00; Senate primaries in '02 & Cook County Recorder of Deeds in '04.
Because MEXICANS took those jobs!"

"As they say, a good way to start a presidential campaign is with a copyright infringement suit." (referring to Cox's use of a Led Zeppelin song.)
Attention-Magnet Cox Remains Fringe Candidate

Despite a pathetic result in the Ames Iowa Straw Poll Saturday (dead last, 41 votes out of more thand 14,000 cast) fringe candidate John Cox said he is continuing his race so he can get some more attention.

As he told KCCI-TV:

"In the straw poll, I think my chances are pretty bad. I'm probably going to be in the bottom somewhere," said candidate John Cox. Cox said a less-than-stellar showing at the straw poll does not mean he will drop out.

"You're not getting rid of me that easy," Cox said.

Cox said he sees the poll as a chance to be seen by national media who flock to Iowa for the historic event, and to get Iowa voters to take notice before they cast a more meaningful vote in the Iowa caucuses.

Those of us who have been following Cox's hopeless, often comical, bid for the White House - after losing three minor elections in a row - can't help but feel sorry for him.

We also feel sorry for 41 people who paid $35 a piece to attend the event, only to vote for such a fraudulent candidacy as Cox's.

Finally, we feel sorry for his business associates, his wife, his daughters and yes, even his bitch dog (it's in his stump speech) all of whom must be very embarrassed by this man's antics over the last 17 months - 17 months that has yielded him very, very little. A few fourth-place finishes at a few poorly attended straw polls, less than 1 percent in the polls (often no mention at all) and now this 41-vote disaster.

It's hard to get inside the head of someone who would put himself and his family through so much for so few results. If he thinks his campaign is "taking off," his has completely deluded himself.

We also wonder how, for someone with $11,000 in the bank at the end of June, Cox could have raffled off an $11,000 vacation. Hmmmm.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cox Dead Last in Ames Straw Poll

A measly 41 votes went to fringe presidential candidate John Cox in today's Ames Straw Poll, the real test of strength in the 2008 race. Everyone (except these deluded 41 people) now understands that this guy is a fraud and a poeser, and needs to go home to Chicago and leave the people of Iowa (and New Hampshire and South Carolina) ALONE.

Mitt Romney 4516 31.5%
Mike Huckabee 2587 18.1%
Sam Brownback 2192 15.3%
Tom Tancredo 1961 13.7%
Ron Paul 1305 9.1%
Tommy Thompson 1039 7.3%
Fred Thompson 203 1.4%
Rudy Giuliani 183 1.3%
Duncan Hunter 174 1.2%
John McCain 101 1.0%
John Cox 41 0.1%

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Latest Cox Video Draws Guffaws

Even for avid Cox-Watchers, the recent video for fringe Presidential Candidate John Cox is a knee-slapper of epic proportions.

With hard-driving rock and a confusing message (is it anti-Illegal, xenophobic and anti-immigrant in general, anti-Union, post-apocalyptic?) and even a voice-over from one of Cox's dreary, Castro-like four-hour speeches, this unintentionally funny video is one of those things that has the Internet chatting. Though nothing good is being said about Cox.

Take a look:

In one scene, notice all of the enemies of border protection. Whoever dreamed up this vieo got them right, I'll grant them that. But they also must have been a Star Wars fan, too, since they included a CLONE TROOPER from the prequels in the upper lefthand corner of the shot:

"Those DAMNED CLONE TROOPERS! They don't want to protect our Borders!"

Did someone think that this was actually a FUNNY video? More to the point, did someone think it was EFFECTIVE, and would win votes in conservative Iowa? It looks more like a racist Whites Only militia group created it.

Cox's latest attempt at drawing attention to himself has, predictably, yielded the same kind of attention he always gets him -- negative attention.

The Huffington Post's Cliff Schecter gets in his digs, so does South Carolina's Palmetto Scoop, which opines:

"It seems like Cox is presenting this as some sort of cry for help for America. But it’s more
likely that this is a cry for help for Cox: 'Hello? My name is John Cox and I want attention.

Will somebody please acknowledge my existence?'"

The Shot, more indelicately, headlines the video: "Rock out with Your Cox Out."

Monday, August 06, 2007

Droning Cox Speech Not Anticipated

Iowa columnist Todd Dorman has a hillarious column discussing (hypothetically) what will happen during the day of the Ames Straw Poll, including the speeches by presidential candidates. Pay special atention to what he says about Cox. He nailed it.
  • 12:45 p.m. – Candidate speeches:
  • Mitt Romney – “Fake Left, Run Right and Cross the Goal Line to Victory”
  • Tom Tancredo – “Good, Heavily Armed, Very High, Razor-Wired, Fully Electrified Fences Make Good Neighbors.”
  • John Cox – “A Good Time to Head for the Concession Stand.”
  • Ron Paul – “Hey, Don’t You Dare Groan When I’m Talking to You.”
  • Mike Huckabee – “I’m Reasonable, Articulate, Conservative, Smart and This is Probably My Last Speech as a Candidate.”
  • Duncan Hunter – “Geez, Quit Checking Your Watches.”
  • Tommy Thompson – “I’ve Been to All 99 Counties, I Ate 127 Tenderloins and I Know How to Pronounce Nevada. You Owe Me."

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

One Vote for Cox in Crawford County Straw Poll

Crawford County Republicans held a Presidential Straw Poll at their Crawford County Republican Fair Booth July 19-22, 2007. Results over the four days were as follows:

34 Tommy Thompson, Wisconsin
25 Mitt Romney, Massachusetts
17 Fred Thompson, Tennessee
15 Rudy Giuliani, New York
10 Tom Tancredo, Colorado
9 John McCain, Arizona
3 Sam Brownback, Kansas
1 John Cox, Illinois
1 Mike Huckabee, Arkansas
0 Duncan Hunter, California

To Cox's credit, he got about 12 votes in the Madison County Fair straw poll this past weekend. Of course, his Website is touting exaggerations to make this seem like a bigger victory.

They say Romney got 50% of the vote, Tommy Thompson got 23% and Cox got 12%, along with Huckabee and Brownback.

In fact, about 150 people participated in this totally unscientific "drop by the booth and vote" survey, with Romney getting 50 VOTES (or about 33%) and Thompson ( says FRED) getting 25 votes. That means, if we're consistent here, Cox got about 12 votes, not 12%. Not bad, given the erratic and bizarre nature of this candidate.

Which means we have more work to do exposing this loon for the egomanic he really is, so another 12 people aren't fooled into thinking he's a REAL candidate.